The Healing Method

Thousands Use To Break Energy Blocks And Unlock

Your Dream Life Filled with love, wealth, Healthy Relationships, Inner Power, And Abundance!
Subscribe Today!

Hello BeautifulSoul,

I'm Emily. I'm here to wake up the world.
Are you ready to live a life on fire? Are you ready to step into the next level of wealth consciousness and live your life in alignment with your divine destiny?

Are you ready to step into the next level of wealth consciousness and live a truly luxurious life?

Dear Soulful & Successful Women Are you ready to live a life on fire?

These clients can attest to the upgrades

we’ve helped them achieve:

Chances are…if you’re reading this, you've been looking for THE solution that will help you get unstuck and attract your next level for a long time. You're determined to live a life in alignment full of wealth, health, inner-power, loving relationships and limitless possibilities.

And yet…

you have been unable to break the cycle

LIVing IN A WORLD where we can't change our circumstances

We have been taught to sacrifice our own DESIRES, Hustle and Grind to get the job done, and that we are either lucky or didn't get a fair hand, detached from your truest self.


And little did you know - your life of everything you desire flows in  easily when you dedicate yourself to healing. But, it takes a relentless commitment to replacing the energy of looking outwards to taking ownership of going within.

  See, after mentoring and facilitating healing for thousands, after being THE GUIDE for some of the top names and leaders in various industries...

The Traditional Masculine Approach Of "Bro Style Business Building"

isn't cutting it. Hustle and Grind have got you detached from your truest self - the feminine self.

I’ll tell you this:

What you desire is

100% an energy game 

So is your romantic life, your money, your health, how you feel about yourself, and how you interact with others.

The truth is - so many people are stuck in a self created matrix when it comes to receiving their desires. What they don't know is if they shifted it energetically and shifted the initial resistance and where it came from at the root it would be so much easier. 

And yet there is so much confusion around healing, where to start, who to go to, and which modality will work best... I've tried them all. MoonRising was created to be the awakening for the entire world. To have the deepest healing take place here.  I've taken that confusion away and I've created a home where everything you need to heal the deepest, to ascend the highest is under one roof.

Without clearing energetic patterns causing obstacles… you’ll always have to work harder, what you want will take 100x longer, and the same patterns will just keep repeating over and over again.

It is time to change this.



You must go deeper to where your Grandfather had his first business failure to bring it to light. To the relationship between your parents. To the ancestral trauma that your mother went through which you accidentally took on. To connecting to your throat chakra to clear the karmic cycles of where it wasn't safe to share your opinion.


Healing is freedom to becoming your truest self. When you rise into your most authentic self you help the world to rise with you.
I actually help you

identify THE ROOT OF YOUR 

Repeat Cycles

and finally get to the root of where your resistances in this life began so that you can finally ascend into the person you were always meant to be.

I mean imagine if you had been healing with the

Signature MoonRising Method.

By now you:
  • Would be powerfully able to speak your full truth and share your wisdom with the world
  • Would be feeling peace within your heart by no longer carrying the burdens of loss or disconnection you used to 
  • Would powerfully believe in yourself so much so that you always have the courage to take action on your billion dollar ideas 
  • Would be enjoying the most pleasurable, beautiful, and romance filled (healthy) relationship with a partner is your divine equal
  • Would be easily able to connect sexually and feel safe in your sacred sexuality.  And in doing so, your pleasure is feels satisfied and you no longer would seek outside unhealthy solutions to feel good. 
  • Would have multiple investments making 6 figures in pure passive income, living sustainably and with ease.

You literally would be overflowing with joy from the alignment you now live in and the Spiritual Guidance that opens up as a result of it.

That is the potential you have. That is the power of healing with the MoonRising Method.

Now you may be wondering…

who am I?

who am I?


Emily Moon.

I am the secret weapon behind countless successful entrepreneurs and iconic leaders in their divine rising. It is an honor to meet you!


This is my story.


It may sound crazy, but after working with clients, it’s as if they become a walking magnet for wealth, abundance, romance, freedom and magic!

Now as amazing and powerful this all sounds - it wasn’t always this way.

Like everyone else, I’ve had life throw trauma at me. Things that I didn’t expect. My journey began with my father and mother. Mom did her best, but she was just barely holding on financially.

Dad? He was a hardcore abuser. Emotionally, spiritually, physically.

And yes…sexually too. I remember like it was yesterday when the memories of my abuse came in. I was so f-ing pissed at my mom.


Nonetheless, I did the work. I committed to healing as my TOP priority. It was hard. It was messy. It was brutal. I probably cried enough tears to supply enough water for a whole neighborhood. I kid you not! It was so worth it. I became obsessed with healing and stepping into my next evolution. I got my hands on every book, every course, every mentor who could show me more and take me deeper.

After conquering every kind of abuse on the planet from my father and growing up living in motels eating packet noodles…

I now live life in a Million dollar house, stay at the top luxury hotels in Dubai, am singing around the world with multiple albums, have a healing career and continuing to 4X my income yearly since 2019…

The healing I did unlocked the healing abilities that Source gave me to bring YOU. There is literally no pain or “unlucky” life circumstance I have not conquered. In healing this within me, along with supporting thousands of others in their own transformation...

I’ve become one of the world's leading energetics and transformation experts.

And with the world changing…now more than ever, WE NEED YOU TO RISE!


But I would rather you hear it straight from those who have worked with me: 

All of these clients have been able to heal deep rooted karmic patterns, heal deeply within this lifetime, and upgrade their energy. As a result, their businesses explode and wealth and luxury are experienced with ease.

Welcome to the portal of ascension. 

THE MoonRising Membership

This subscription is a commitment to us rising into the people we were always meant to be.

By breaking the cycles that hold us back and activating our energetic expansion...

We finally create a place where we wake up the world once and for all.
Who this is for:
  • Those who are open to changing their current circumstances by going in deep
  • Those who are determined to rise and know deep down this is what they've been waiting for
  • Those who are committed to their personal transformation
  • Those who are on a journey to emotional, mental and spiritual awakening
Who this is NOT for:
  • Those who are unwilling to commit to inner work
  • Those who are looking for a quick fix
  • Those not willing to invest in their own growth
  • Those who aren’t looking to level up and want to stay a victim to their past or their circumstances
What’s Included in

The MoonRising Membership:

Silver Plan 

  • Exclusive transformational community on Mighty Networks
  • NEW! All Karma Clearing ($10,000 value)
  • NEW! All Energy Work & Activations ($8000 value)
  • Our 3 3-day mini courses ($10,000 value)
  • All Sound Medicine ($10,000 value)
  • All Meditations ($5555 value)
  • All Affirmations ($1997 value)
  • All Binaural beats ($1000 value)
  • The Empath Guide” and all e-books ($2000 value)
  • All rituals ($3000 value)
  • All Membership exclusive courses ($1000 value)
Transform for Less Than Netflix Monthly? Yes Please!

Gold Plan

  • Exclusive transformational community on Mighty Networks
  • NEW! All Karma Clearing ($10,000 value)
  • NEW! All Energy Work & Activations ($8000 value)
  • Our 3 3-day mini courses ($10,000 value)
  • All Sound Medicine ($10,000 value)
  • All Meditations ($5555 value)
  • All Affirmations ($1997 value)
  • All Binaural beats ($1000 value)
  • The Empath Guide” and all e-books ($2000 value)
  • All rituals ($3000 value)
  • All Membership exclusive courses ($1000 value)
I'm Commiting and Going All in!

Take a look inside

Welcome to Your Inner Sanctuary

The MoonRising Membership


When you join The MoonRising Membership, you get:

Silver Plan

  • Exclusive transformational community.
  • NEW! All Karma Clearing ($10,000 value)
  • NEW! All Energy Work & Activations ($8000 value)
  • Our 3 3-day mini courses ($10,000 value)
  • All Sound Medicine ($10,000 value)
  • All Meditations ($5555 value)
  • All Affirmations ($1997 value)
  • All Binaural beats ($1000 value)
  • The Empath Guide” and all e-books ($2000 value)
  • All rituals ($3000 value)
  • All Membership exclusive courses ($1000 value)
Transform for Less Than Netflix Monthly? Yes Please!

Gold Plan

  • Exclusive transformational community.
  • NEW! All Karma Clearing ($10,000 value)
  • NEW! All Energy Work & Activations ($8000 value)
  • Our 3 3-day mini courses ($10,000 value)
  • All Sound Medicine ($10,000 value)
  • All Meditations ($5555 value)
  • All Affirmations ($1997 value)
  • All Binaural beats ($1000 value)
  • The Empath Guide” and all e-books ($2000 value)
  • All rituals ($3000 value)
  • All Membership exclusive courses ($1000 value)
I'm Commiting and Going All in!

Total Value: $42,552

It is time for you to ascend.


You won't pay thousands. You won't even pay $5000 or event $2500 or even $1250.

You're not going to have to invest what I did.


to get access...

Silver Plan


  • Exclusive transformational community on Mighty Networks
  • NEW! All Karma Clearing ($10,000 value)
  • NEW! All Energy Work & Activations ($8000 value)
  • All Sound Medicine ($10,000 value)
  • Our 3 3-day mini courses ($10,000 value)
  • All Meditations ($5555 value)
  • All Affirmations ($1997 value)
  • All Binaural beats ($1000 value)
  • The Empath Guide” and all e-books ($2000 value)
  • All rituals ($3000 value)
  • All Membership exclusive courses ($1000 value)
Transform for Less Than Netflix Monthly? Yes Please!

Gold  Plan  


  • Exclusive transformational community on Mighty Networks
  • NEW! All Karma Clearing ($10,000 value)
  • NEW! All Energy Work & Activations ($8000 value)
  • Our 3 3-day mini courses ($10,000 value)
  • All Sound Medicine ($10,000 value)
  • All Meditations ($5555 value)
  • All Affirmations ($1997 value)
  • All Binaural beats ($1000 value)
  • The Empath Guide” and all e-books ($2000 value)
  • All rituals ($3000 value)
  • All Membership exclusive courses ($1000 value)
I'm Commiting and Going All in!

It is my promise to you that the membership, when done consistently, will change your entire world. And by doing this it will touch the world around you.

Healing is freedom to becoming your truest self. When you rise into your most authentic self you help the world to rise with you.



Here’s how it works:

  1. Fill out your info and sign up today
  2. Open the invitation sent to your email inbox and login
  3. Get access to our content and/or community to begin your transformational journey today

Here’s My

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Some people wonder whether there’s a catch. There is none.

It seems like this is “too good to be true”, because trust me, if I were in your shoes, I’d probably feel the same. The fact that stepping into a life of luxury could be as easy as a $47/month membership is unbelievable.

In fact, I’m so committed to your transformation and confident that our systems work…if after 30 days of you implementing the process and can show that you have done the work suggested you’re not…

Blown away by the content you learn

Impacted by the trainings in the membership site and in the facebook group

Learning genuine systems that actually support your transformation

Satisfied with the level of support, love and wisdom we’re providing you

Seeing tangible results in attracting wealth, relationships, abundance and freedom

We will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.

Join the MoonRising Membership Today!

I am beyond excited to see you take the step towards the deepest healing imaginable. Nothing is more rewarding than watching clients share new breakthroughs and transformations as a result of this work.

This is the beginning of everything.

With love,

Emily Moon